TeeCards is the worldwide leading virtual T-Card software.
From start-ups to the largest organisations, we make it easier for
companies to visually manage their business processes with a
T Card system. |
T-Cards Simplicity with PC
Technology |
Some Benefits of use:
Network Wide Visibility,
Multiple Users, Scaleable,
Drag and Drop,
Reporting, Archiving,
No Lost Cards, Accessibility,
Reduced Costs, Ease of
As many
Boards as you like. |
Simply put, TeeCards Software for T-Cards is a very effective visual representation of your data.
e.g. see this T-Cards board
Typically it is used for Planning, Scheduling, Production Control,
Tracking, and Booking, but if your need falls into this arena then TeeCards
functionality is likely to be able to cope with your requirement. Put us
to the test and give us a call.
Whether you use a physical
T-Cards Board, a Spreadsheet a White Board, some other Project
Management tool or are looking for a Visually Representative way of
Controlling and Planning your work then you have come to the right place.
Our existing clients will attest to that.
They range from the smallest to the biggest but like you they are looking for a convenient way to plan and
control using T-Cards, as TCard boards are a very visual tool.
Since 2002
we have helped hundreds of companies and thousands of users improve their
daily workload, in some cases we have saved them lots of money, and
in some instances we would like to think we may have helped save lives, as our
Tee Cards
software is used by the Emergency Services.
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